
Disclaimer and other usage information:

On this website you will find information of a general nature. This is neither intended nor suitable to replace individual advice from experts taking into account the specific circumstances of each individual case.

For further and individual information please contact us.

The content of this website has been carefully researched. Nevertheless, Power & Storage LiTec GmbH assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided.

We assume no liability for damage caused by any inaccuracies, incompleteness or lack of up-to-dateness of our website users.

All information and information on this website is non-binding even if there is a business relationship between Power & Storage LiTec GmbH and the user of this content.

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Power & Storage LiTec GmbH, as the content provider, is responsible for its 'own content' that is made available for use in accordance with Section 5 Paragraph 1 of the State Treaty on Media Services, in accordance with general legislation. Cross-references (so-called 'links') to the content provided by other providers are to be distinguished from this own content. Insofar as a link refers to external websites, the content of external links is subject to the liability of the respective provider. Through links to external sites, the provider does not adopt their content and opinions. The impression should by no means be given that the provider has contributed to the content, technical and design presentation. The respective providers are responsible for this external content and the availability of the linked, external information offers, unless Power & Storage LiTec GmbH has positive knowledge of them (ie also of illegal or criminal content) and it is Power & Storage LiTec GmbH technically possible and reasonable to prevent their use (§ 5 Para. 2 Media Services State Treaty).

However, 'links' are 'living' (dynamic) references. Power & Storage LiTec GmbH checked the third-party content when it was first linked to determine whether it could result in civil or criminal liability. However, Power & Storage LiTec GmbH is not obliged to constantly check the content referred to in its offer for changes that could give rise to new liability. Only when Power & Storage LiTec GmbH determines or is informed by others that a specific offer to which Power & Storage LiTec GmbH has provided a link triggers civil or criminal liability will the reference to this offer be removed, as far as this is technically possible and reasonable. The technical possibility and reasonableness is not influenced by the fact that, even after the access from the Power & Storage LiTec GmbH website has been prevented, access from other servers to the illegal or chargeable offer can take place.

Power & Storage LiTec GmbH is under no circumstances liable for damage caused by the use or non-use of information provided on websites to which Power & Storage LiTec GmbH refers through cross-references or links.

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Power & Storage LiTec GmbH is not responsible and provides no guarantee whatsoever for compliance with data protection regulations on those websites to which Power & Storage LiTec GmbH refers via a link or in any other way.

Communication via e-mail can have security gaps. E-mails can be lost, stopped, viewed, changed or falsified by experienced Internet users, with or without the intervention of third parties. Conventional e-mails are not protected against access by third parties and therefore confidentiality may not be guaranteed. We are therefore not liable for the integrity of e-mails after they have left our sphere of control and cannot compensate you for any damage incurred as a result. If, despite the virus protection programs we use, a virus gets into your systems through the sending of e-mails, we are not liable for any damage that may result. This disclaimer of liability only applies to the extent permitted by law.

When answering your e-mails, we assume that we are also authorized to do so by e-mail. Otherwise, you must expressly refer to another type of communication.

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